
Mon-Fri 08:30 - 17:00


Mon-Fri 08:30 - 17:00

Can Factory Flooring Increase Your ROI?

Factory flooring

Factory Flooring Is An Important Investment

All businesses have overheads. As a business owner, you need to be able to justify the larger expenses and ensure that they give you something back in return. Cutting corners and not making the right decisions when investing in your company can often define the difference between success and failure.

When putting money into your business, you need to consider your ROI (Return On Investment). In other words, you need to know what your investment is worth and what benefits you’ll gain from it.

ROI is not just about making a monetary profit, it’s also about making intangible gains for your business including:

  • Reduced expenses
  • Cost avoidance
  • Workplace efficiency
  • Improved productivity

Installing a new factory or warehouse floor is a large expense that some business owners are loathe to do. However, it’s a worthy investment that can considerably increase your ROI in more ways than one.

Here’s how:

Reduced Expenses

If you choose the right product , you’ll end up with a durable, hard wearing factory flooring that’s easy to maintain, incredibly strong and will last for years. In terms of expenses, you’ll save money in costly replacements and maintenance. Additionally, look for a floor that anyone can install. Preparation, coating and fitting costs add up quickly and you may be disappointed with the final price tag. To avoid paying for these extra services and maintenance find a product that you can install without preparation, specialist tools or skills. We don’t mean to blow our own trumpet, but Ecotile really is the perfect candidate for keeping the costs down.

Cost Avoidance

Ecotile Flooring has superior anti-slip properties, reducing the risk of workplace slips and falls. It’s more comfortable to walk on and helps reduce stress fatigue in workers. It has insulating properties that provide a warmer floor, while also helping to reduce noise pollution in the workplace.
Not only will you create a safer working environment but you’ll avoid the costs of higher insurance and legal costs involved with personal injury claims and compensation.

Workplace Efficiency

A happier workplace is a more efficient workplace. Comfortable and safe flooring improves the way staff work which means better efficiency and eventually, more satisfied customers. Standing or walking on hard surfaces such as concrete or epoxy flooring for long periods of time can cause sore feet, swollen legs and back pain.

Ecotile Can Improve Factory Productivity

A better working environment also means you’ll be getting a better performance from your employees. This can lead to a rise in productivity levels, which ultimately leads to increased profits.
The installation procedure for Ecotile is quick and easy. Epoxy Resin flooring needs time consuming and costly preparation, and takes several days to dry. This can have a negative effect on productivity and end up costing you money in down time.
Ecotile uses an interlocking joint which means tiles don’t require adhesive and have no drying time. Work can continue as normal during installation, so your productivity levels won’t suffer.

All things considered, it can safely be said that new factory flooring can significantly increase your ROI.

For more information on our ranges of industrial and commercial flooring, contact Ecotile Flooring today.