
Mon-Fri 08:30 - 17:00


Mon-Fri 08:30 - 17:00

Floor Signs and Logos

garage flooring Available In Smooth

Ecotile Logo Tiles and Floor Markings

Add impact to your ecotile floor by incorporating permanent floor markings. ecotile Flooring Ltd are able to incorporate almost any logo or image into your ecotile floor to create a permanent and highly visual sign or message. The logo tiles are manufactured by CNC water laser jet cutting which ensures a clean and precise cut.

The only restriction on design is the colour range of ecotile which is limited to black, light grey, dark grey, graphite, black, red green, yellow, dark blue and white. (plus occasionally a few special colours, subject to availability).

Company logo tiles: Place your sales message or logo where it will really get noticed and enhance your company’s image and profile.


Badges & Insignia: Almost any design can be incorporated into your ecotile floor.


Hazard Warning/Floor Safety Signs: Statutory Health and Safety Regulations require every company ensure that the appropriate Health and Safety Signs are displayed throughout all premises. We are able to manufacture the full range of warning signs (black & yellow), prohibitory signs (red & white) and mandatory signs (blue and white).


  • Company Logos and Insignia
  • In-Shop Displays / POS
  • Exhibition Stands
  • Demonstration Areas
  • Identifying Safety Hazards
  • Showrooms
  • Guidance for Fire Exits
  • Mandatory Warning/Traffic Demarcation
  • Pedestrian Crossings
  • Car Insignia


ISO logoCErecycling logo